Page:The castle of Otranto (Third Edition).djvu/188

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ing forth our orisons to heaven, replied the Friar with some confusion, to put an end to the woes of this deplorable province. Join with us, Lady! thy spotless soul may obtain an exemption from the judgments which the portents of these days but too speakingly denounce against thy house. I pray fervently to heaven to divert them: said the pious Princess. Thou knowest it has been the occupation of my life to wrest a blessing for my Lord and my harmless children—One alas! is taken from me! would heaven but hear me for my poor Matilda! Father! intercede for her!—Every heart will bless her: Cried Theodore with rapture—Be dumb, rash youth! said Jerome. And thou fond Princess contend not with the Powers above! The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away: Bless his holy name, and submit to his decrees. I do most devoutly: Said Hippolita: But will he not spare my only comfort? must Matilda perish too?—ah! Father, I came—but dismiss thy son. No ear but thine must hear what I have to utter.May