Page:The castle of Otranto (Third Edition).djvu/201

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case: I am going to visit the Marquis, and will talk farther with thee at my return.

Manfred, after some general conversation, desired Frederic to dismiss the two Knights his companions, having to talk with him on urgent affairs. As soon as they were alone, he began in artful guise to sound the Marquis on the subject of Matilda; and finding him disposed to his wish, he let drop hints on the difficulties that would attend the celebration of their marriage, unless—at that instant Bianca burst into the room with a wildness in her look and gestures that spoke the utmost terror. Oh! my Lord, my Lord! cried she; we are all undone! it is come again! it is come again! What is come again! cried Manfred amazed!—oh! the hand! the Giant! the hand!—support me! I am terrified out of my senses: Cried Bianca, I will not sleep in the castle to-night; where shall I go? my things may come after me to-morrow—would I had been content to wed Francesco! this comes of ambition! What has ter-rified