Page:The castle of Otranto (Third Edition).djvu/205

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affairs to discuss. By your favour, said Frederic, these are no trifles: The enormous sabre I was directed to in the wood, yon casque, its fellow—are these visions of this poor maiden's brain?—so Jaquez thinks, may it please your Greatness: Said Bianca. He says this moon will not be out without our seeing some strange revolution. For my part I should not be surprized if it was to happen to-morrow; for, as I was saying, when I heard the clattering of armour, I was all in a cold sweat—I looked up, and, if your Greatness will believe me, I saw upon the uppermost banister of the great stairs a hand in armour as big, as big—I thought I should have swooned—I never stopped until I came hither—would I were well out of this castle! My Lady Matilda told me but yester-morning that her Highness Hippolita knows something—Thou art an insolent! cried Manfred—Lord Marquis, it much misgives me that this scene is concerted to affront me. Are my own domestics suborned to spread tales injurious to my honour? Pursueyour