Page:The castle of Otranto (Third Edition).djvu/64

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for the other fool seems more distracted than thou art: What is the matter? my gracious Lord, said Jaquez, if it please your Highness to hear me; Diego and I according to your Highness's orders went to search for the young Lady; but being comprehensive that we might meet the ghost of my young Lord, your Highness's son, God rest his soul, as he has not received christian burial———sot! cried Manfred in a rage, is it only a ghost then that thou hast seen? oh! worse! worse! my Lord, cried Diego: I had rather have seen ten whole ghosts—grant me patience! said Manfred; these blockheads distract me—out of my sight, Diego! and thou Jaquez, tell me in one word, art thou sober? art thou raving? thou wast wont to have some sense: has the other sot frightened himself and thee too! speak; what is it he fancies he has seen? Why, my Lord, replied Jaquez trembling, I was going to tell your Highness, that since the calamitous misfortune of my young Lord, God rest his precious soul! not one of us yourHighness's