Page:The castle of Otranto (Third Edition).djvu/86

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know? replied Matilda. Thy first words bespoke a prudent and becoming gravity. Dost thou come hither to pry into the secrets of Manfred?—Adieu. I have been mistaken in thee. Saying these words, she shut the casement hastily, without giving the young man time to reply. I had acted more wisely, said the Princess to Bianca with some sharpness, if I had let thee converse with this peasant: His inquisitiveness seems of a piece with thy own. It is not fit for me to argue with your Highness, replied Bianca; but perhaps the questions I should have put to him, would have been more to the purpose, than those you have been pleased to ask him. Oh! no doubt, said Matilda; you are a very discreet personage! may I know what you would have asked him? A by-stander often sees more of the game than those that play: answered Bianca. Does your Highness think, Madam, that this question about my Lady Isabella was the result of mere curiosity? No, no, Madam; there is more in it than you greatfolks