Page:The castle of Otranto (Third Edition).djvu/90

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any intercourse with infernal spirits, does not dare to make use of those tremendous and holy words, which he uttered. Didst thou not observe with what fervour he vowed to remember me to heaven in his prayers?—yes; Isabella was undoubtedly convinced of his piety. Commend me to the piety of a young fellow and a damsel that consult to elope? said Bianca. No, no, Madam; my Lady Isabella is of another guess mould than you take her for. She used indeed to sigh and lift up her eyes in your company, because she knows you are a Saint—but when your back was turned—You wrong her; said Matilda: Isabella is no hypocrite: She has a due sense of devotion, but never affected a call she has not. On the contrary, she always combated my inclination for the cloyster: And though I own the mystery she has made to me of her flight, confounds me; though it seems inconsistent with the friendship between us; I cannot forget the disinterested warmth with which she always opposed my taking the veil: Shewished