Page:The celebrity, an episode (1919) Churchill.djvu/31

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The Celebrity

of pleasure of the scene, and set up an irritation that was well-nigh unbearable. At length we crossed the river, climbed the foot-hills, and paused on the ridge. Below us lay the quaint inn and scattered cottages of Asquith, and beyond them the limitless and foam-flecked expanse of lake: and on our right, lifting from the shore by easy slopes for a mile at stretch, Farrar pointed out the timbered lands of Copper Rise, spread before us like a map. But the appreciation of beauty formed no part of Mr. Cooke’s composition,—that is, beauty as Farrar and I knew it.

“If you win that case, old man,” he cried, striking me a great whack between the shoulder-blades, “charge any fee you like; I’ll pay it! And I’ll make such a country-place out of this as was never seen west of New York state, and call it Mohair, after my old trotter. I’ll put a palace on that clearing, with the stables just over the knoll. They’ll beat the Germantown stables a whole lap. And that strip of level,” he continued, pointing to a thinly timbered bit, “will hold a mile track nicely.”

Farrar and I gasped: it was as if we had tumbled into the Washita.