Page:The church, the schools and evolution.djvu/18

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Let a few scientists of at least equal eminence with those quoted above bear their testimony.

2. Testimony Against Evolution.

But before we quote this testimony it may be well to pause a moment for a little information that may make it more intelligible to us.

The so-called proofs of evolution are derived from both the biological and the geological realms of natural science.

a. We will consider, first, the so-called proofs taken from the biological realm.

Darwin's theory was arrived at from data taken from the biological realm, and consists of two doctrines. One is the doctrine of natural selection, which was his own personal contribution to the discussion, and the other is that of the inheritance of acquired characters, which he borrowed from Lamarck. The former is the doctrine meant when pure Darwinism is referred to.

(i) The Doctrine of Natural Selection.

Darwin himself said:

We cannot prove that a single species has changed,

and, also,

Many of the objections to the hypothesis of evolution are so serious I can hardly reflect on them without being staggered.