Page:The church manual (Church of the Brethren 1916).djvu/45

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As you have now presented yourselves before me for the purpose of being united in holy matrimony, in token of your decided choice for each other, as partners for life, you, — — and — — , will please join right hands.

(Joining of hands.)

Do you solemnly promise, before Almighty God and these witnesses, to receive each other as husband and wife, agreeing to perform the duties growing out of this relation, pledging yourselves to love each other, and to make every reasonable exertion to promote each other's happiness, until the union into which you are now entering is dissolved by death?

(Both answer in the affirmative.)

In view of the promises you have now made, I do, by virtue of the authority vested in me as a minister of the Gospel, pronounce you husband and wife. And what God hath joined together, let no man put asunder.

The ceremony is concluded by offering a short prayer.

Form No. 2.

After meeting the parties on the floor for the purpose of marriage, the minister says, addressing the man:

"Do you take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife, performing towards her all the moral and Christian functions of the marriage state, forsaking all others and cleaving to her alone until separated by death?"

Answer by the man, "I do."

Addressing the woman: