Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 1).pdf/111

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Nils Lykke.


Lady Inger.

Then that is why you visit Östråt?

Nils Lykke.

In part. But it is far from my purpose to demand any profession of loyalty from you——

Lady Inger.

What then?

Nils Lykke.

Hearken to me, Lady Inger! You said yourself but now that your position is no easy one. You stand half way between two hostile camps, whereof neither dares trust you fully. Your own interest must needs bind you to us. On the other hand, you are bound to the disaffected by the bond of nationality, and—who knows?—mayhap by some secret tie as well.

Lady Inger.

[To herself.] A secret tie! Oh God, can he——?

Nils Lykke.

[Notices her emotion, but makes no sign, and continues without change of manner.] You cannot but see that such a position must ere long become impossible.—Suppose, now, it lay in my power to free you from these embarrassments which——