Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 1).pdf/140

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Nils Lykke.

Aha,—then Lady Inger Gyldenlöve looks for your coming?

Nils Stensson.

Lady Inger Gyldenlöve? Nay, that I can scarce say for certain; [with a sly smile] but there might be some one else——

Nils Lykke.

[Smiles in answer.] Ah, so there might be some one else—?

Nils Stensson.

Tell me—are you of the house?

Nils Lykke.

I? Well, in so far that I am Lady Inger's guest this evening.

Nils Stensson.

A guest?—Is not to-night the third night after Martinmas?

Nils Lykke.

The third night after—? Ay, right enough.—Would you seek the lady of the house at once? I think she is not yet gone to rest. But might not you sit down and rest awhile, dear young Sir? See, here is yet a flagon of wine remaining, and doubtless you will find some food. Come, fall to; you will do wisely to refresh your strength.