Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 1).pdf/144

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Nils Lykke.

You would have said——?

Nils Stensson.

[Eating.] I? Nay, 'tis all one.

[Nils Lykke laughs.

Nils Stensson.

Why laugh you, Sir?

Nils Lykke.

At nothing, Sir!

Nils Stensson.

[Drinks.] A pretty vintage ye have in this house.

Nils Lykke.

[Approaches him confidentially.] Listen—were it not time now to throw off the mask?

Nils Stensson.

[Smiling.] The mask? Why, do as seems best to you.

Nils Lykke.

Then off with all disguise. You are known, Count Sture!

Nils Stensson.

[Bursts out laughing.] Count Sture? Do you too take me for Count Sture?

[Rises from the table.

You mistake, Sir! I am not Count Sture.