Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 1).pdf/146

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Nils Lykke.

[Somewhat uncertain.] And whom you do not know?

Nils Stensson.

As little as you know me; for I swear to you by God himself: I am not Count Sture!

Nils Lykke.

In sober earnest, Sir?

Nils Stensson.

As truly as I live! Wherefore should I deny it, if I were?

Nils Lykke.

But where, then, is Count Sture?

Nils Stensson.

[In a low voice.] Ay, that is just the secret.

Nils Lykke.

[Whispers.] Which is known to you? Is't not so?

Nils Stensson.

[Nods.] And which I am to tell you.

Nils Lykke.

To tell me? Well then,—where is he?

[Nils Stensson points upwards.

Nils Lykke.

Up there? Lady Inger holds him hidden in the loft-room?