Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 1).pdf/162

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Lady Inger.

Then 'twould seem you are not so blind after all; for I am the more deceived if you be not right. Marked you not at the supper-board how eagerly he listened to the least word I let fall concerning Elina?

Olaf Skaktavl.

He forgot both food and drink.

Lady Inger.

And our secret affairs as well.

Olaf Skaktavl.

Ay, and what is more—the papers from Peter Kanzler.

Lady Inger.

And from all this you conclude——?

Olaf Skaktavl.

From all this I chiefly conclude that, as you know Nils Lykke and the name he bears, especially in all that touches women——

Lady Inger.

——I should be right glad to know him outside my gates?

Olaf Skaktavl.

Ay; and that as soon as may be.