Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 1).pdf/208

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Nils Lykke.

Inger Gyldenlöve, believe me——!

Lady Inger.

An ambuscade that was to snap him up as soon as you had secured the promise that should destroy me!

Nils Lykke.

[Takes out the paper and tears it to pieces.] There is your promise. I keep nothing that can bear witness against you.

Lady Inger.

What is this?

Nils Lykke.

From this hour will I put your thoughts of me to shame. If I have sinned against you,—by Heaven I will strive to repair my crime. But now I must out, if I have to hew my way through the gate!—Elina—tell your mother all!—And you, Lady Inger, let our reckoning be forgotten! Be generous—and silent! Trust me, ere dawn of day you shall owe me a life's gratitude.

[Goes out quickly to the right.

Lady Inger.

[Looks after him with exultation.] 'Tis well! I understand him.

[Turns to Elina.

Nils Lykke—? Well——?