Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 1).pdf/219

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One of the Men-at-Arms.

Pardon, if you are the lady of the house——

Lady Inger.

Is it Count Sture ye seek?

The Man-at-Arms.

The same.

Lady Inger.

Then you are on the right track. The Count has sought refuge with me.

The Man-at-Arms.

Refuge? Pardon, my noble lady,—you have no power to harbour him; for——

Lady Inger.

That the Count himself has doubtless understood; and therefore he has—ay, look for yourselves—therefore he has taken his own life.

The Man-at-Arms.

His own life!

Lady Inger.

Look for yourselves, I say. You will find the corpse within there. And since he already stands before another judge, it is my prayer that he may be borne hence with all the honour that beseems his noble birth.—Biörn, you know my own coffin has stood ready this many a year