Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 1).pdf/414

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Strawman [in clerical cadence].

 The wife must be submissive to the spouse;—


But if I apprehended him aright,
His Call's a problematical affair,
The Offering altogether in the air—


Pray do not judge so rashly. I can give
You absolute assurance, as I live,
His Call is definite and incontestable—

Strawman [seeing it in a new light].

Ah—if there's something fixed—investable—
<g>Per annum</g>—then I've nothing more to say.

Falk [impatiently].

You think the most of what I count the least;
I mean the <g>inspiration</g>,—not the <g>pay</g>!

Strawman [with an unctuous smile].

Pay is the first condition of a priest
In Asia, Africa, America,
Or where you will. Ah yes, if he were free,
My dear young friend, I willingly agree,
The thing might pass; but, being pledged and bound,
He'll scarcely find the venture very sound.
Reflect, he's young and vigorous, sure to found
A little family in time; assume his will
To be the very best on earth—but still