Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 1).pdf/71

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the letter.] O God! From him! and here in Norway——

[Reads on with strong emotion, while the men go on bringing out arms from the hall.

Lady Inger.

[To herself.] He is coming here. He is coming here to-night!—Ay, then 'tis with our wits we must fight, not with the sword.

Einar Huk.

Enough, enough, good fellows; we are well armed now. Set we forth now on our way!

Lady Inger.

[With a sudden change of tone.] No man shall leave my house to-night!

Einar Huk.

But the wind is fair, noble lady; 'twill take us quickly up the fiord, and——

Lady Inger.

It shall be as I have said.

Einar Huk.

Are we to wait till to-morrow, then?

Lady Inger. Till to-morrow, and longer still. No armed man shall go forth from Östråt yet awhile.

[Signs of displeasure among the crowd.