Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 2).djvu/155

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Gregorius Jonsson.

Hush! The psalm is beginning.

[From inside the closed church doors, to the accompaniment of trumpets, is heard a Choir of Monks and Nuns singing Domine cœli, etc. etc. While the singing is going on, the church door is opened from inside; in the porch Bishop Nicholas is seen, surrounded by Priests and Monks.

Bishop Nicholas.

[Steps forward to the doorway and proclaims with uplifted crozier.] Inga of Varteig is even now bearing the iron on behalf of Håkon the Pretender. [The church door is closed again; the singing inside continues.

Gregorius Jonsson.

[In a low voice, to the Earl.] Call upon Holy King Olaf to protect the right. Earl Skule. [Hurriedly, with a deprecating gesture.] Not now. Best not remind him of me. Ivar Bodde. [Seizing Håkon by the arm.] Pray to the Lord thy God, Håkon Håkonsson. Håkon. No need; I am sure of him. [The singing in the church grows louder; all uncover; many fall upon their knees and pray.