Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 2).djvu/166

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Earl Skule.

I stand now upon justice; I no longer fear to call upon Saint Olaf.

[Goes out to the left with his followers.

Bishop Nicholas.

[Hastening after Dagfinn the Peasant.] All goes well, good Dagfinn, all goes well;—but keep the Earl far from the King when he is chosen;—see you keep them far apart! [All go out to the left, behind the church.

A hall in the Palace. In front, on the left, is a low window; on the right, the entrance-door; at the back, a larger door which leads into the King's Hall. By the window, a table; chairs and benches stand about.

Lady Ragnhild and Margrete enter by the smaller door; Sigrid follows immediately.

Lady Ragnhild.

In here?


Ay, here it is darkest.

Lady Ragnhild.

[Goes to the window.] And here we can look down upon the mote-stead.


[Looks out cautiously.] Ay, there they are, all gathered behind the church. [Turns, in tears.] Yonder must now betide what will bring so much in its train.