Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 2).djvu/181

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Skialdarband,—and, while I think on't, take my blessing with you.

Ivar Bodde.

[Who has been waiting behind the King with the parchments in his hand.] Here are the letters, my lord. Håkon. Good; give them to the Earl. Ivar Bodde. To the Earl? Will you not seal them? Håkon. The Earl is wont to do that;—he holds the seal. Ivar Bodde. [Softly.] Ay, hitherto—while he was regent—but <g>now</g>! Håkon. Now as before;—the Earl holds the seal. [Moves away.

Earl Skule.

Give me the letters, Ivar Bodde.

[Goes to the table with them, takes out the Great Seal which he wears under his girdle, and seals the letters during the following.

Bishop Nicholas.

[Muttering.] Håkon Håkonsson is King—and the Earl holds the royal seal;—I like that—I like that.


What says my lord Bishop?