Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 2).djvu/191

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Bishop Nicholas.

[To the Earl.] You have much to see to, it would seem. Earl Skule. But small thanks for it. Bishop Nicholas. The King has risen. [Håkon comes down; all the men rise from the tables.


[To the Bishop.] We are rejoiced to see you bear up so bravely and well through all these days of merriment.

Bishop Nicholas.

There comes a flicker now and again, my lord King; but 'twill scarce last long. I have lain sick all the winter through.


Ay, ay,—you have lived a strong life, rich in deeds of fame.

Bishop Nicholas.

[Shakes his head.] Ah, 'tis little enough I have done, and I have <g>much</g> still left to do. If I but knew whether I should have time for it all!


The living must take up the tasks of those who go before, honoured lord; we all have the welfare of the land at heart. [Turns to the Earl.] I marvel much at one thing: that neither of our thanes from Halogaland has come to the bridal.