Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 2).djvu/223

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Earl Skule.

'Tis well for all of us!


The day wanes; the bridal-feast must now be at an end. I thank you, Sir Earl, for all the honour that has been shown me in these days.—You are bound for Nidaros, as I think?

Earl Skule.

That is my intent.


And I for Viken.—If you, Margrete, choose rather to abide in Bergen, then do so.


Whither you go, I go, until you forbid.


Good; then come with me.


Now is our kindred spread far abroad. [Kneels to Håkon.] Grant me a grace, my lord King.


Rise, Lady Sigrid; whatever you crave shall be granted.


I cannot go with the Earl to Nidaros. The nunnery at Rein will soon be consecrated; write to the Archbishop—take order that I be made Abbess.