Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 2).djvu/248

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Duke Skule.

Trond the Priest's letter, my lord! For Almighty God's sake,—have you it?

Bishop Nicholas.

At least, I know where it may be found.

Duke Skule.

Tell me then, tell me!

Bishop Nicholas.


Duke Skule.

Nay, nay—lose not your time; I see it draws to an end;—and 'tis said the King comes hither.

Bishop Nicholas.

Ay, the King comes; thereby you may best see that I am mindful of your cause, even now.

Duke Skule.

What is your purpose?

Bishop Nicholas.

Mind you, at the King's bridal—you said that Håkon's strength lay in his steadfast faith in himself?

Duke Skule.


Bishop Nicholas.

If I confess, and raise a doubt in his mind, then his faith will fall, and his strength with it.

Duke Skule.

My lord, this is sinful, sinful, if he be the rightful king.