Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 2).djvu/257

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Skule.] Duke, I am weak and weary; a mild and charitable mood comes over me——

Duke Skule.

It is death! Trond the Priest's letter! Where is it?

Bishop Nicholas.

First another matter;—I gave you the list of my enemies——

Duke Skule.

[Impatiently.] Yes, yes; I will take full revenge upon them——

Bishop Nicholas.

No, my soul is filled with mildness; I will forgive, as the Scripture commands. As you would forgo might, I will forgo revenge. Burn the list!

Duke Skule.

Ay, ay; as you will.

Bishop Nicholas.

Here, in the brazier; so that I may see it——

Duke Skule.

[Throws the paper into the fire.] There, then; see, it burns. And now, speak, speak. You risk thousands of lives if you speak not now!

Bishop Nicholas.

[With sparkling eyes.] Thousands of lives.

[Shrieks.] Light! Air!


[Rushes to the door and cries.] Help! The Bishop is dying!