Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 2).djvu/273

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You must mistake——! Go, Dagfinn, and bring me sure tidings.


Ay ay, trust to me. [Goes.


No,—'tis not to be thought of! The Duke dare not rise against me. God will not suffer it—God, who has hitherto guided all things for me so marvellously. I must have peace now, for 'tis now I must set about my work!—I have done so little yet; but I hear the unerring voice of the Lord calling to me: Thou shalt do a great king's-work in Norway!

Gregorius Jonsson.

[Enters from the back.] My lord and King!


Gregorius Jonsson! Come <g>you</g> hither?

Gregorius Jonsson.

I offer myself for your service. Thus far have I followed the Duke; but now I dare follow him no further.


What has befallen?

Gregorius Jonsson.

That which no man will believe, when 'tis rumoured through the land.


Speak, speak!