Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 2).djvu/279

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The great hall in Oslo Palace. King Skule is feasting with the Guard and his Chiefs. In front, on the left, stands the throne, where Skule sits, richly attired, with a purple mantle and the royal circlet on his head. The supper-table, by which the guests are seated, stretches from the throne towards the background. Opposite to Skule sit Paul Flida and Bård Bratte. Some of the humbler guests are standing, to the right. It is late evening; the hall is brightly lighted. The banquet is drawing to a close; the men are very merry, and some of them drunk; they drink to each other, laugh, and all talk together.

Paul Flida.

[Rises and strikes the table.] Silence in the hall; Jatgeir Skald will say forth his song in honour of King Skule.


[Stands out in the middle of the floor.[1]

Duke Skule he summoned the Örething;[2]
when 'twas mass-time in Nidaros town;
and the bells rang and swords upon bucklers
 clashed bravely
when Duke Skule he donned the crown.

King Skule marched over the Dovrefjeld,
his host upon snow-shoes sped;

  1. The metre of this song is very rugged in the original, and the wording purposely uncouth.
  2. See note, p. 127.