Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 2).djvu/291

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King Skule.

[With animation.] Paul Flida, were it not possible that I could win over the men of Viken to my side?

Paul Flida.

[Looks at him in astonishment, and shakes his head.] No, my lord, it is not possible.

King Skule.

And wherefore not?

Paul Flida.

Why, for that you have the Trönders on your side.

King Skule.

I will have both the Trönders and the men of Viken!

Paul Flida.

Nay, my lord, that cannot be!

King Skule.

Not possible! cannot be! And wherefore—wherefore not?

Paul Flida.

Because the man of Viken is the man of Viken, the Trönder is the Trönder; because so it has always been, and no saga tells of a time when it was otherwise.

King Skule.

Ay, ay—you are right. Go.

Paul Flida.

And send forth no scouts?

King Skule.

Wait till daybreak. [Paul Flida goes.] Nor-