Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 2).djvu/295

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King Skule.

Ha. [A short pause.] Tell me, Jatgeir, how came you to be a skald? Who taught you skaldcraft?


Skaldcraft cannot be taught, my lord.

King Skule.

Cannot be taught? How came it then?


The gift of sorrow came to me, and I was a skald.

King Skule.

Then 'tis the gift of sorrow the skald has need of?


I needed sorrow; others there may be who need faith, or joy—or doubt——

King Skule.

Doubt as well?


Ay; but then must the doubter be strong and sound.

King Skule.

And whom call you the unsound doubter?


He who doubts of his own doubt.

King Skule.

[Slowly.] That, methinks, were death.