Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 2).djvu/299

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King Skule.

Who gave you the gift of sorrow, Jatgeir?


She whom I loved.

King Skule.

She died, then.


No, she deceived me.

King Skule.

And then you became a skald?


Ay, then I became a skald.

King Skule.

[Seizes him by the arm.] What gift do I need to become a king?


Not the gift of doubt; else would you not question so.

King Skule.

What gift do I need?


My lord, you are a king.

King Skule.

Have you at all times full faith that you are a skald?


[Looks silently at him for a while, and asks.] Have you never loved?