Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 2).djvu/312

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Together with you, my noble father! We will go together!

King Skule.

[Drawing the youth close up to himself.] Ay, together, we two alone!


[To herself.] To love, to sacrifice all and be forgotten, that is my saga.[1]

[Goes quietly out by the back.

King Skule.

Now shall a great king's-work be done in Norway! Listen, Peter, my son! We will awaken the whole people, and gather it into one; the man of Viken and the Trönder, the Halogalander and the Agdeman, the Uplander and the Sogndaleman, all shall be <g>one</g> great family! Then shall you see how the land will come to flourish!


What a great and dizzy thought——

King Skule.

Do you grasp it?



King Skule.

And have you faith in it?

  1. As to the earlier text of this scene, see Brandes' Ibsen and Björnson (Heinemann, 1899), p. 29.