Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 2).djvu/335

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to me; believe in me and trust to me; 'tis that I need so unspeakably. I will watch over you and fight for you; I will bleed and die for you, if need be; but fail me not, and doubt not——! [Loud cries, as though of terror, are heard among the people.] What is that?

A Wild Voice.

Atone! Atone!

Bård Bratte.

[Looks out.] 'Tis a priest possessed of the devil!

Paul Flida.

He is tearing his cowl to shreds and scourging himself with a whip.

The Voice.

Atone, atone! The last day is come.

Many Voices.

Flee, flee! Woe upon Nidaros. A deed of sin!

King Skule.

What has befallen?

Bård Bratte.

All flee, all shrink away as though a wild beast were in their midst.

King Skule.

Yes, all flee. [With a cry of joy.] Ha! it matters not. We are saved! See, see—King Olaf's shrine stands in the middle of the courtyard.