Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 2).djvu/367

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'Tis every man's duty to slay him.


I am the Queen; I command you to depart!

A Voice.

'Tis Skule Bårdsson's daughter, and not the Queen, that speaks thus.


You have no power over life and death; the King has doomed him!

Lady Ragnhild.

Into the church, Skule! For God's mercy's sake, let not the bloodthirsty caitiffs approach you!

King Skule.

Ay, into the church; I would not fall at the hands of such as these. My wife, my daughter; meseems I have found peace and light; oh, I cannot lose them again so soon!

[Moves towards the chapel.


[Without, on the right.] My father, my king. Now will you soon have the victory!

King Skule.

[With a shriek.] He! He!

[Sinks down upon the church steps.

Lady Ragnhild.

Who is it?