Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 2).djvu/369

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hasting up to the convent.—Where is the King-child, woman?


[Who has placed herself before the church door.] He sleeps in the sacristy!


'Twere the same if he slept on the altar! I have dragged out St. Olaf's shrine—I fear not to drag out the King-child as well.

Lady Ragnhild.

[Calls to Skule.] And he it is you have loved so deeply!


Father, father! How could you forget us all for his sake?

King Skule.

He was pure as a lamb of God when the penitent woman gave him to me;—'tis his faith in me has made him what he now is.


[Without heeding him.] The child must out! Slay it, slay it in the Queen's arms,—that was King Skule's word in Oslo!


Oh shame, oh shame!


A saint might do it unsinning, at my father's command! My father is King; for the great king's-thought is his!