Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 2).djvu/374

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the Lord was led by to Golgotha! Use thy wings, and woe to them who would bind thee now!

Lady Ragnhild.

Fare forth in peace, my husband; fare thither, where no mocking shade shall stand between us, when we meet.

[Hastens into the chapel.


My father, farewell, farewell,—a thousand times farewell!

[Follows Lady Ragnhild.


[Opens the church door and calls in.] To your knees, all ye women! Assemble yourselves in prayer; send up a message in song to the Lord, and tell him that now Skule Bårdsson comes penitent home from his rebellious race on earth.

King Skule.

Sigrid, my faithful sister, greet King Håkon from me; tell him that even in my last hour I know not whether he be king-born; but this I know of a surety: he it is whom God has chosen.


I will bear him your greeting.

King Skule.

And yet another greeting must you bear. There dwells a penitent woman in the north, in Halo-*galand; tell her that her son has gone before; he went with me when there was great danger for his soul.