Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 2).djvu/43

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to Helgeland to seek out Gunnar Headman and call him to account for the carrying away of Hiördis.


[Surprised.] Gunnar!


[In the same tone.] And Hiördis—where are they?


In Gunnar's homestead, I trow


And it is——?


Not many bow-shots hence; did ye not know?


[With suppressed emotion.] No, truly I have had scant tidings of Gunnar since we sailed from Iceland together. While I have wandered far and wide and served many outland kings, Gunnar has stayed at home. We made the land here at daydawn, storm-driven. I knew, indeed, that Gunnar's homestead lay here in the north, but——


[To Örnulf.] So <g>that</g> errand has brought thee hither?


That and no other. [To Sigurd.] Our meeting is the work of the Mighty Ones above; they willed it so. Had I wished to find thee, little knew I where to seek.