Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Heinemann Volume 2).djvu/71

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Do I remember!


It is of that I would speak.


[In suspense.] What is it? Say on!


Thou knowest there had been a feast; thou didst seek thy chamber betimes; but Hiördis still sat among the men in the feast-hall. The horn went busily round, and many a great vow was sworn. I swore to bear away a fair maid with me from Iceland; Gunnar swore the same as I, and passed the cup to Hiördis. She grasped it and stood up, and vowed this vow, that no warrior should have her to wife, save him who should go to her bower, slay the white bear that stood bound at the door, and carry her away in his arms.


Yes, yes; all this I know!


All men deemed that it might not be, for the bear was the fiercest of beasts; none but Hiördis might come near it, and it had the strength of twenty men.


But Gunnar slew it, and by that deed won fame throughout all lands.


[In a low voice.] He won the fame—but—I did the deed!