Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 11).djvu/374

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[Looking at him with a bitter expression.] Has the time seemed so very long to you, Rubek? Professor Rubek. I am beginning now to find it a trifle long. [Yawning.] Now and then, you know. Maia. [Returning to her place.] I shall not bore you any longer. [She resumes her seat, takes up the newspaper, and begins turning over the leaves. Silence on both sides.

Professor Rubek.

[Leaning on his elbows across the table, and looking at her teasingly.] Is the Frau Professor offended? Maia. [Coldly, without looking up.] No, not at all. [Visitors to the baths, most of them ladies, begin to pass, singly and in groups, through the park from the right, and out to the left.

[Waiters bring refreshments from the hotel, and go off behind the pavilion.

[The Inspector, wearing gloves and carrying a stick, comes from his rounds in the park, meets visitors, bows politely,