Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 4).djvu/138

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the door against troll-folk, and men, and women.

Bars I must fix me; bars that can shut out
all the cantankerous little hobgoblins.-
They come with the darkness, they knock and they rattle:
Open, Peer Gynt, we're as nimble as thoughts are!
'Neath the bedstead we bustle, we rake in the ashes,
down the chimney we hustle like fiery-eyed dragons.
Hee-hee! Peer Gynt; think you staples and planks
can shut out cantankerous hobgoblin-thoughts?

[SOLVEIG comes on snow-shoes over the heath; she has a shawl over her head, and a bundle in her hand.] SOLVEIG

God prosper your labour. You must not reject me.
You sent for me hither, and so you must take me.


Solveig! It cannot be-! Ay, but it is!
And you're not afraid to come near to me!


One message you sent me by little Helga;
others came after in storm and in stillness.
All that your mother told bore me a message,
that brought forth others when dreams sank upon me.
Nights full of heaviness, blank, empty days,
brought me the message that now I must come.
It seemed as though life had been quenched down th