Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 4).djvu/160

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[On the south-west coast of Morocco. A palm-grove. Under an awning, on ground covered with matting, a table spread for dinner. Further back in the grove hammocks are slung. In the offing lies a steam-yacht, flying the Norwegian and American colours. A jolly-boat drawn up on the beach. It is towards sunset.] [PEER GYNT, a handsome middle-aged gentleman, in an elegant travelling-dress, with a gold-rimmed double eyeglass hanging at his waistcoat, is doing the honours at the head of the table. MR. COTTON, MONSIEUR BALLON, HERR VON EBERKOPF, and HERR TRUMPETERSTRALE, are seated at the table finishing dinner.] PEER GYNT

Drink, gentlemen! If man is made
for pleasure, let him take his fill then.
You know 'tis written: Lost is lost,
and gone is gone-. What may I hand you?


As host you're princely, Brother Gynt!