Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 4).djvu/180

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A scurvy business-but-enfin!
[Follows the others.]


I'll have to follow, I suppose,-
but I protest to all the world-!


[Another part of the coast. Moonlight with drifting clouds. The yacht is seen far out, under full steam.] [PEER GYNT comes running along the beach; now pinching his arms, now gazing out to sea.] PEER

A nightmare!-Delusion!-I'll soon be awake!
She's standing to sea! And at furious speed!-
Mere delusion! I'm sleeping! I'm dizzy and drunk!
[Clenches his hands.]
It's not possible I should be going to die!
[Tearing his hair.]
A dream! I'm determined it shall be a dream!
Oh, horror! It's only too real, worse luck!
My brute-beasts of friends-! Do but hear me, oh Lord!
Since thou art so wise and so righteous-! Oh judge-!
[With upstretched arms