Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 4).djvu/196

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I don't care so much about having a soul;-
give me rather-


What, child?

ANITRA [pointing to his turban].

That lovely opal

PEER [enchanted, handing her the jewel].

Anitra! Anitra! true daughter of Eve!
I feel thee magnetic; for I am a man.
And, as a much-esteemed author has phrased it:
"Das Ewig-Weibliche ziehet uns an!"


[A moonlight night. The palm-grove outside ANITRA'S tent.] [PEER GYNT is sitting beneath a tree, with an Arabian lute in his hands. His beard and hair are clipped; he looks considerably younger.] PEER GYNT [plays and sings].

I double-locked my Paradise,
and took its key with me.
The north-wind bore me seaward ho!
while lovely women all forlorn
wept on the ocean stran