Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 4).djvu/199

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Liken thee, O earth's great treasure,
to a horrible old cat!


Child, from passion's standpoint viewed,
may a tom-cat and a prophet
come to very much the same.


Master, jest like honey floweth
from thy lips.


My little friend,
you, like other maidens, judge
great men by their outsides only.
I am full of jest at bottom,
most of all when we're alone.
I am forced by my position
to assume a solemn mask.
Duties of the day constrain me;
all the reckonings and worry
that I have with one and all,
make me oft a cross-grained prophet;
but it's only from the tongue out.-
Fudge, avaunt! En tete-a-tete
I'm Peer-well, the man I am.
Hei, away now with the prophet;
me, myself, you have me here!
[Seats himself under a tree, and draws her to him.]
Come, Anitra, we will rest us
underneath the palm's green fan-shade!
I'll lie whispering, you'll lie smiling;
afterwards our roles exchange we;