Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 4).djvu/288

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out a bundle of old newspapers].

I daresay you think that we've no newspapers?
Wait; here I'll show you in red and black,
how the Bloksberg Post eulogises you;
and the Heklefield Journal has done the same
ever since the winter you left the country.-
Do you care to read them? You're welcome, Peer.
Here's an article, look you, signed "Stallionhoof."
And here too is one: "On Troll-Nationalism."
The writer points out and lays stress on the truth
that horns and a tail are of little importance,
so long as one has but a strip of the hide.
"Our enough," he concludes, "gives the hall-mark of trolldom
to man,"-and proceeds to cite you as an instance.


A hill-troll? I?


Yes, that's perfectly clear.


Might as well have stayed quietly where I was?
Might have stopped in the Ronde in comfort and peace?
Saved my trouble and toil and no end of shoe-leather?
Peer Gynt-a troll? Why it's rubbish! It's stuff!
Good-bye! There's a halfpenny to buy you tobacco.