Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 4).djvu/310

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Then tell what thou knowest!
Where was I, as myself, as the whole man, the true man?
where was I, with God's sigil upon my brow?


In my faith, in my hope, and in my love.

PEER [starts back].

What sayest thou-? Peace! These are juggling words.
Thou art mother thyself to the man that's there.


Ay, that I am; but who is his father?
Surely he that forgives at the mother's prayer.

PEER [a light shines in his face; he cries:]

My mother; my wife; oh, thou innocent woman!-
in thy love-oh, there hide me, hide me!

[Clings to her and hides his face in her lap. A long silence. The sun rises.] SOLVEIG [sings softly].

Sleep thou, dearest boy of mine!
I will cradle thee, I will watch