Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 4).djvu/50

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Where are now the sacks of coin
left behind by Rasmus Gynt?
Ah, your father lent them wings,-
lavished them abroad like sand,
buying land in every parish,
driving round in gilded chariots.
Where is all the wealth he wasted
at the famous winter-banquet,
when each guest sent glass and bottle
shivering 'gainst the wall behind him?


Where's the snow of yester-year?


Silence, boy, before your mother!
See the farmhouse! Every second
window-pane is stopped with clouts.
Hedges, fences, all are down,
beasts exposed to wind and weather,
fields and meadows lying fallow,
every month a new distraint-


Come now, stop this old-wife's talk!
Many a time has luck seemed dropping,
and sprung up as high as ever!


Salt-strewn is the soil it grew from.
Lord, but you're a rare one, you,-
just as pert and jaunty still,
just as bold as when the pastor,
newly come from Copenhagen,
bade you tell your Christian name,