Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 5).djvu/130

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caesar's apostasy.
[act iii.


Look around; see yonder table. His daily fare is herbs and bread.


Ay, truly; all our senses bear you witness;—wine-flagons, wreathed with flowers and leaves; lamps and fruits; incense filling the hall with its odour; flute-players before the door——


Early this morning he sent for me. He seemed unwontedly happy, for he paced the room to and fro, rubbing his hands. "Prepare a rich banquet," said he, "for before evening I look for two friends from Athens——"

[He glances towards the door on the left, is suddenly silent, and draws back respectfully.


Is he there?

[Eutherius nods in answer; then gives a sign to the servants to withdraw; they go out by the larger door on the right; he follows.

Prince Julian shortly afterwards enters from the left. He is dressed in long, Oriental garb; his whole demeanour is vivacious, and betrays strong inward excitement.


[Going towards them, and greeting them with great warmth.] I see you! I have you! Thanks, thanks, for sending your spirits to herald your bodies!