Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 5).djvu/160

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caesar's apostasy.
[act iii.


They are maltreating your servants; they will murder us!


Fear not; us no one can hurt.

The Chamberlain Eutherius.

[Comes hastily across the court.] My lord, my lord! Julian. What is that noise without? Eutherius. Strange men have surrounded the house; they have set a watch at all the doors; they are making their way in—almost by force. Here they come, my lord! Here they are! The Quaestor Leontes, with a large and richly-attired retinue, enters from the right.


Pardon, a thousand pardons, most gracious lord——


[Recoiling a step.] What do I see!


Your servants would have hindered me from entering; and as my errand was of the utmost moment——


You here, in Ephesus, my excellent Leontes!