Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 5).djvu/171

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At Lutetia, in Gaul. A hall in Caesar's palace, "The Warm Baths," outside the city. Entrance, door in the back; to the right, another smaller door; in front, on the left, is a window with curtains.

The Princess Helena, richly attired, with pearls in her hair, sits in an arm-chair, and looks out of the window. Her slave, Myrrha, stands opposite her, and holds the curtain aside.

The Princess Helena.

What a multitude! The whole city streams out to meet them.—Hark! Myrrha,—do you not hear flutes and drums?


Yes, I think I can hear——


You lie! The noise is too great; you can hear nothing. [Springing up.] Oh, this torturing uncertainty! Not to know whether he comes as a conqueror or as a fugitive.


Fear not, my noble mistress; Caesar has always returned a conqueror.