Page:The collected works of Henrik Ibsen (Volume 5).djvu/288

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the emperor julian.
[act i.

competent men, at your own choice, to decide with you in these affairs.

[To the older courtiers and councillors.

Of you I have no need. When my lamented kinsman, on his death-bed, appointed me his successor, he also bequeathed to me that justice which his long illness had prevented him from administering. Go home; and when you have given an account of yourselves, you may go whither you please. Ursulus. The Lord God uphold and shield you, my Emperor! [He bows, and goes out by the back, together with the older men. Nevita, Themistius, and Mamertinus, with all the younger men, gather round the Emperor.


My august master, how can I sufficiently thank you for the mark of favour which you——


No thanks. In these few days I have learnt to value your fidelity and judgment. I also commission you to draw up the despatch concerning the eastern envoys. Word it so that the beneficent gods may find in it no reason for resentment against any of us.


In both matters I will carry out my Emperor's will.

[He goes out to the right.